Thursday, 26 April 2018

10 Top Tips to Prepare for 8 bands in Reading Module IELTS examination

10 Top Tips to prepare for 8 bands in Reading Module IELTS examination

Reading module in IELTS examination seems to frighten away a majority of students. It often comes to hear that they cannot attain good bands in reading. There are many reasons that lead you to score miserably.

Why reading is so complicated?

Most students appear in IELTS and other ESOL examinations after passing intermediate and graduation. They are not exposed to such pattern of reading. In most of the academic examinations students are to memorize the facts, theories, aspects, events and characters. The passages gives in the IELTS reading modules are the articles presented by scholars, thesis, or research papers. The main sources of such passages are newspapers, magazines, subject oriented studies, researches and so on.  Students are not familiar with such topics most of the time. The English Hunt shares 10 top tips that would help you prepare for 8 bands in IELTS examinations.

Tip.1 Pre-IELTS Preparation

Students need to be very strategic, disciplined and oriented to the preparation to score 8 bands.  They cannot afford to be lethargic and undisciplined if they are serious to achieve high Score. They must start reading articles, research papers and essays on specific topics. It is better to start your reading preparation journey before you enroll yourself in couching program. Read magazines, newspapers and research papers. It will get you acquainted what reading is .

2. Build Understanding
There is a majority of students unable to understand that passage talks about. They have so far read their text books; IELTS reading is way different than text book context. While reading student must make sure that, are they able to grasp what they are reading. As you read more and more you are most close to build understanding. Try to understand they hidden meaning of sentences and words. Try to make a guess.

3. Build Vocabulary

Reading is all about words unknown and uncommon words which students don’t often encounter. New words and terminology frighten away most of students. While reading they must use a piece of paper to record unknown words and terms. The word they have just faced, must be well grasped in their mother tongue. It is strongly recommended that they must find other similar words and phrases. Recording word and finding similar word is not enough. The way and situation also come to play a part. Find how the word is used there.

4. Mind Preposition and Phrases

Preposition and phrases are supposed to be the key words which can take you to correct answer. Preposition used with verb changes the meaning of word and whole sentence. Don’t make your own guess about such words. Phrases are mostly made of two or more words. You can find a preposition word there. Think about it twice.

5. Read the Title, Subtitle and Questions First.

When students are handed over the reading sheet they at once start reading the passage. It may help them but consume lot of time. First of all read the title, subtitle and questions. Try to understand every question again and again. What happens to many students they don’t get the sense of question in first attempt. It is better to read every question well and read the text to spot the answer. When you read the questions your mind is directed to spot specific information.

6. Elimination Technique

It sometimes seems that two possible answers confuse students a lot. Try to find most possible answer and eliminate the less.

7. Read Regularly

Everyday two hours of reading is strongly advised if you have to score 8 bands. Cambridge Book 1-12 you can choose. Don’t think that you are to read when exam date is close. At least 2 months of extensive reading you have to have.

8. Self Assessment

Evaluate yourself first. Try to find your strength on IELTS reading. There are some students feel comfortable solving TFNG,YNNG, while others are good at fill in the blanks or match the headings. You are to evaluate your strength and maintain it. Find your weakness and overcome it by practicing every day. Do more what you are weak at. Don’t forget to practice your strength too.

9. Train your mind to read faster

It may take you 40 days to train your mind to read faster. There is a technique developed by John. F. Kennedy former President of America. He was an avid reader used to read numbers of newspapers and magazines every day. He would read 3 words at once. He trained his mind to read 3 words at a glance. You can try this technique.

10.  Find a Mentor and Material

An experienced and trained teacher and IELTS material can help you great length. Do not hesitate talking about your weaker areas. Share what bothers you about reading and ask for guidance. Don’t look for short cuts. Build yourself. Find material from the students already got high score.

We have shared 10 Top Tips to help you score 8 bands in IELTS reading modules. It is aware you that you cannot build yourself over a night, it is process that you are to go through. If you want quick result I think it does not happen. If you are an advanced student, already have better understanding of reading pattern, vocabulary and terminology it may be that you can score high. It is better not to be over confident, Be competent and then gain real confidence. We have tried to keep the post short to give you overview of preparation. You cannot achieve unless or until you try.

Social Media-

There are many students seeking to improve through social media where they get tips and material to apply and study. It is often seen that they don’t apply what they are taught. Because they want quick result. Don’t be of this mindset. Be a student of IELTS. Don’t think it is a piece of cake for you.

Be Yourself
You know yourself better, you know where you have to reach, and you know what you have to do. Take full responsibility of this.

The English Hunt would bring lessons on IELTS reading in which you will learn to solve different kinds of questions.
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