Friday, 11 May 2018

General English : One Word Substitution Part-1

In this post we are going to learn one word substitutions which are very important to know. These substitutions appear in newspapers, magazines and other English language resource.

One Word Substitution Part-1

1.     One who is not able to pay his/her debt- Insolvent
2.     The study of the functions of the body- physiology
3.     The science of telling events by stars- astrology
4.     Governments run by officials in a state- bureaucracy
5.     An office without any work but high pay- sinecure
6.     A medicine to counteract the effect of a poison- antidote
7.     The person who admires the art-dilettante
8.     A man who has the qualities of women- effeminate
9.     That which cannot be moved- immobile
10.                        The study of insects-entomology
11.                        Word for word- verbatim
12.                        Wish to do good to others- benevolence
13.                        Whose meaning is difficult to understand- abstruse
14.                        Way out for water or stream- outlet
15.                        Want of sleep- insomnia
16.                        Usual behavior of a group- custom
17.                        Use of mild words in place of words required by truth- euphemism
18.                        Troops which are trained to be dropped by parachute-paratroops
19.                        Touch lovingly- fondle
20.                        A traditional story related to deities- myth
21.                        That which is like pig- porcine
22.                        Thing to be corrected by in a printed book-corrigendum
23.                        Things taken by robbers- booty
24.                        That which is lion like- leonine
25.                        That which is fox like- vulpine
26.                        That which is dog like- canine
27.                        That which exists separately from other people- independent
28.                        That which cannot be perceived by touch- intangible
29.                        That which cannot be counted- incalculable
30.                        That which can be rooted out- eradicable
31.                        Study of the development of plants and animals earlier forms- genealogy.
32.                        Study of oceans and their phenomena- oceanography
33.                        Study of law- homology
34.                         Study of fossils-paleontology
35.                        Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns-archaeology
36.                        Strong desire for food, wealth- greed
37.                        Strong dislike between two persons- antipathy
38.                        Stream flowing into another big river- tributary
39.                        Statement that is obviously true- platitude
40.                        That which can be easily believed- credible
41.                        What which cannot be put out or extinguished- inextinguishable
42.                        That which cannot be erased or removed- indelible
43.                         That which cannot be satisfied- insatiable
44.                        That which can be easily curved without breaking- flexible
45.                        That which cannot be corrupt- incorruptible
46.                        To escape from hard realities- escapism
47.                        The system which is observed to do progress or reform- reformism
48.                        Temple dedicated to all the gods- pantheon
49.                         Talk that brings bad reputation- scandal
50.                        The study of population- demography 

In next post we will cover 51-100 one word substitutions to help you improve your word power.
We hope that you are learning from

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